How to attract new clients?

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Imagine that your business is a magical toy store, and you are a magician who wants to attract new friends to a vast variety of dolls. 

In this blog post, we will discuss a few simple but effective ways to attract new customers and make them happy!

Top 5 simple but effective rules will help you find your way to new customers:

1. Tell about yourself. No one will know about your wonderful store if you don't tell the world about it! Create a beautiful storefront or website where people can learn more about your company. Talk about your unique products or services, share stories about your store. You can use social media and promotional materials to get your message out to customers.

2. Win the hearts of your customers. Offer something special to attract people to your business. It can be a discount on the first purchase, free shipping, or additional bonuses. Customers are always happy to receive something in return for their loyalty. Make their visit to your business unique and memorable.

3. Be accessible and friendly. Provide customers with convenient ways to contact you. Make sure your phone number and store address are easily accessible on your website or social media. Be attentive and responsive when customers reach out to you. The easier it is for them to contact you, the more likely they are to choose you.

4. Be noticeable. Promote your business effectively, target places where your audience frequents. Consider advertising through online ads, local newspapers, or distributing flyers in parks. Ensure your ads are captivating and intriguing, to grab attention and pique interest in your store.

5. Build loyalty. Don't forget about your existing customers - they already know what a great store you have. Try to build long-term relationships with your customers. Offer them loyalty programs, free updates, or special gifts. Customers who feel special will come back again and again, and bring new friends with them.

Acquiring new customers is not always an easy process, but with these simple tips, you can help drive customer acquisition. Getting the word out, being attentive to customers, being accessible and visible are key success factors. So attract new customers and expand the playroom in your toy store!

Top 5 effective ways to attract more leads in B2B

One of the most important tasks of a B2B business is to be able to attract and engage a large number of customers. This is a difficult task. But if done correctly, you can outperform your competitors and take a worthy position in the market.

To build a strong and effective lead base for B2B sales, you need to take steps to find potential customers who need your product and who will be happy to receive your value proposition.

Increasing sales is the foundation of company growth, it allows you to reward your employees, support product or service innovation, and it is truly the ultimate goal of your business. And if you are starting your business, increasing sales is even more important to ensure survival and growth.

Many companies waste time and resources trying to find potential customers in the "wrong place" at the wrong time. Trying one strategy after another, they fail. It is crucial to understand your business specifics and study the needs of your target audience.

Conduct researches. The process of collecting and analyzing information is vital to the success of your company, so it cannot be overestimated. By analyzing data, you can get significant benefits for your business and its potential customers. Based on the data, you can adjust your strategy, methods of working with clients, and increase sales. Customers prefer to choose companies that know their industry well and are interested in the latest trends. This will make a positive impression and will definitely attract your customers.

Provide quality service. It is essential to pay attention to training and improving the skills of your employees. Serving your customers well is the most effective way to maximize your sales. The better you treat your customers and provide them with quality services, the more success you will achieve.

Create content marketing. Content marketing helps you attract more customers by allowing you to showcase your expertise while building long-term relationships with potential clients.Regularly publishing content on your pages helps customers get to know your business better and increases their loyalty.

What's more, content marketing leads to better SEO performance if you optimize your content properly. A high position of your website in the search rankings can help attract even more new users. And with quality content, they will become your potential customers.

Use social proof. Social proof is a powerful tool for attracting potential customers in the B2B industry. The more social proof you collect on your website, the easier it will be to gain trust and increase sales.

Consider showcasing social proof on your pages. Encourage customers to share their feedback on social media. Having reviews is another great way to build trust.

Personalize your customer experience. Most B2B companies focus on their sales strategies and forget to show their customers how much they mean to them. This leads to businesses losing their customers because they are indifferent.

Personalized support demonstrates how much a company values its customers. To help them, sometimes it is enough to create a support chat or assign an employee to answer calls. A live chat feature can significantly increase conversions because you'll be providing solutions to your customers when they need them.

Customers will also be pleased if you congratulate them on their birthday or on another important day in their lives. It can be as simple as a letter sent to the mail, be sure that customers will appreciate it. Attention is what really matters.

Digital marketing channels to attract new customers

To succeed in digital marketing in 2023, every business needs to keep up with the trends. We have prepared the most important ones for you to help you please users and attract new customers to your business.

Content visualization.62% of millennials say they are much more attracted to visual search. Google, Meta, and other market leaders are increasingly investing in the development of visual search.

Personalization.Artificial intelligence technologies are constantly improving, allowing you to collect more and more information about the user - this applies to social networks and analytics systems. Use the information wisely to personalize your ads as much as possible and find the key to the user's heart. By the way, according to statistics, people like to read their names in messages.

Push notifications.Today, more than half of users do not mind receiving Push notifications from brands. This allows brands to stay in touch with their customers and notify them of updates, promotions, and discounts promptly. This increases the level of customer interaction and, as a result, sales growth.

Voice search.In a world where people multitask, trying to simplify their lives and free their hands, the voice search function is gaining popularity. Voice search technology is actively used by brands on Facebook Messenger and other popular platforms. According to statistics, 65% of people aged 25 to 65 use voice search.

Video marketing.Adapting to global trends, people are increasingly buying online. Video solves the problem - a product can be viewed from all sides. That is why 84% of people want to buy a product after watching a video. According to statistics, video can increase a website's ranking in search results by 53% more than standard SEO optimization.

Google Analytics.. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) records all user actions, performs cross-platform identification, collects data from websites, Android and IOS applications into a single report, and much more. This gives you new opportunities to optimize your advertising campaigns.

Customer data.. Cookies are the most important digital marketing tool. It is known that Google cannot say goodbye to them either and has postponed the termination of their support from 2023 to the second half of 2024. However, it will happen, so we have to prepare. It is necessary to collect information about your users and customers directly from the first person and accumulate it in your CRM system, customer data platform (CDP), data management platform (DMP).

Try to increase your organic traffic. Its value will increase due to the abolition of cookies.

Social commerce.Brands work on their ads to make them look as native as possible. The main task is to attract the user's attention organically. Interaction with users of Telegram and Instagram is an important element of social commerce and allows you to find customers faster, increasing business efficiency.

"Quick" content.Modern users have less and less desire to delve into brands and services. Instead, entertainment content is gaining momentum - short videos are increasingly captivating the audience. In 2023, Instagram Stories, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and short video clips on TikTok help to realize these tasks.

Customer retention and loyalty.Today, the goal of a business is not to convince a customer to make a one-time purchase but to provide them with an experience that will make them buy again and again. Only a positive experience of interaction with a service or product will make a customer make a repeat purchase. Therefore, take the time to communicate with your customers, and learn about them, so you will have more leverage to manage customer experience.

In this blog, we did not focus on the tools for attracting new customers, because it is advisable to choose and use them based on the specifics of the individual business. If you need services to attract new customers in Spain, our experts and partners will help you realize your most ambitious goals. 

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