A residence permit (PDR) is a document that certifies the identity of a foreigner and confirms permission for a continuous stay in the country.
Spain is attractive not only as a popular tourist destination but also as a country that guarantees high social standards and relatively moderate living costs. To stay in the country for a long time (more than 90 days), you need to apply for a residence permit.

What does a residence permit in Spain give and oblige you to do?
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Law on the Rights, Freedoms and Social Integration of Foreigners No. 4/2000 of 11.01.2000, any foreigner who wishes to stay in Spain for more than 90 consecutive days (except for exchange students, foreign interns and volunteers) must obtain a residence permit (Permiso de residencia, PDR).
That is, the primary function of a Spanish PDR is a residence permit. But, in addition, it gives the right to:
- Visa-free travel to other Schengen countries as well as to other countries outside the EU
- Obtaining education, both primary school education (for children of immigrants) and secondary specialized and higher education
- Participation in the system of state health insurance and receiving medical care
- Opportunities for employment
- Starting your own business, including as an individual entrepreneur.

At the same time, obtaining a residence permit obliges a foreigner to become a tax resident of Spain, which in turn entails a number of obligations:
- Pay taxes
- Have sufficient funds and legal sources of their origin
- Comply with the legislation of Spain
- Notify local authorities of changes in their status, marital status, etc.
- Do not stay outside of Spain for more than 6 months
Types of Residence permit in Spain
Foreigners can reside in Spain as temporary or long-term residents. This means that foreigners can apply for:
- Temporary residence permit (Permiso de residencia temporal) or temporary residence permit
- Long-term residence permit (Permiso de residencia a largo plazo) or permanent residence permit

Temporary residence permit
According to paragraph 2 of Article 45 of Royal Decree No. 557/2011, there are 9 forms of temporary residence permit in Spain, each of which is intended for specific purposes:
- Without the right to work (Residencia temporal no lucrative) - for foreigners who do not work and do not receive income in Spain
- For family reunification (Reagrupation familiar) - for foreigners who have married a Spanish citizen
- Work permit (Residencia temporal y trabajo por cuenta agena) - for foreigners who want to work in Spain
- Residence permit for people who want to start their own business in Spain (Residencia temporal y trabajo por cuenta agena)
- For highly qualified specialists (Tagetta Azull-UE)
- For education (Estancia por studios)
- For reunification of a family member with a person who has a residence permit in Spain (Reagrupationfamiliar)
- For those who have been in Spain for a long time, have a job, but were unable to obtain a residence permit under exceptional circumstances (by settlement) (Residencia por circumstancias exceptionales)
- For refugees

There are also some programs for obtaining a residence permit through investment ("golden visa")..
Long-term residence permit (Permiso de residencia a largo plazo)
A long-term residence permit can be issued after 5 years of continuous residence , provided that the total period of absence from the country does not exceed 10 months.
This residence permit effectively equates the holder of a permanent residence permit to a Spanish citizen.
The term of the permit is not limited.

Доброго дня! Можливо часте питання зараз. Чи можливо буде при теперішньому законодавстві змінити Protection Temporal на інший вид тимчастового дозволу, за умови ведення тут своєї справи, autonomo, щоб , продовжити легально працювати в Іспанії і далі отримати дозвіл larga duracion?
Хотів би отримати консультацію про види пмж в Іспанії як краще і що краще.
Працюю в айті сфері з європейьким контрактом на протязі багатьох років. Перехав у Іспанію. Поки матиму темпорарі протекшн але далі хочу лишитись і хочу розуміти деталі і можливості. Дякую