The successful operation of any organization depends on many factors, among which one of the most important is the availability of a human resources management system.

Human resources management is a specific type of activity aimed at managing people to implement the organization's projects. In this case, the maximum emphasis is placed on the work, experience and talents of employees, as well as on their level of satisfaction with the work itself.
Hence, HR management is not about strictly regulating the actions of each employee, but about the ability to interact with them: to respect, motivate and direct their work to achieve the company's goals.
However, imagine that there was a time when everything did not look so "humane". Indeed, until the last decade of the 20th century, the concept of human resources management was understood as just that, strict "management". The relationship between employer and employees was quite controversial, as there was a whole set of rules of interaction between them. Towards the end of the XX century, organizations began to reorient themselves to a "cooperation" format, in which the personality of the employee becomes quite important, and due attention is paid to his or her motivation and skills. Management in the new sense is the ability to use the full potential of each employee to achieve the company's strategic goals.

In management practice, you can find two concepts: "personnel management" and "human resource management". It is important to understand that these are two different things.
The main difference is that in the first case, we consider a person as a full-fledged and self-sufficient individual, with significant attention paid to his or her needs and rights. The interests of the staff are also taken into account when setting commercial goals. What do we have in the second case? First of all, the staff is perceived as a resource that helps to achieve the company's goals. At the same time, they are ready to invest in the resource and promote its development. Secondly, the most important thing is the company's goals, not its employees.

In other words, human resource management is correlated with human resources or labor potential. In the case of human resources management, material goals are competently intertwined with the social needs of employees. In this regard, the following basic principles of human resources management can be identified:
- when selecting employees, attention is paid not only to their business qualities but also to their personal qualities
- the team is built in such a way that the quantitative harmony between young professionals and experienced employees is maintained
- employees' performance is evaluated, and based on the data obtained, strategies for the professional growth and development of each employee are formed
- healthy and transparent competition is encouraged, which significantly develops the company's human resources potential
- there is trust within the organization to each employee, but there is also a system of adequate verification of the performance of each employee
- the company is always ready for a situation when one of its employees cannot come to work and has the opportunity to replace him/her
- each employee is provided with opportunities to improve their professional skills
- all HR and management activities of the company are carried out in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations

Thus, HR management is complex and systematic.
Modern experts identify quite large number of models of this activity.
In general, they are divided into economic, technocratic and modern. In the first case, we are dealing with models that focus on material incentives for employees. In the second case, the emphasis is on the use of various administrative methods of labor organization and control. The third format is about leadership and partnership between employees, creativity in the team and human self-control. In any case, it is about influencing employees while interacting with them: forming the staff and its subsequent regulation.